I didn't clean it up yet, because cleaningup more than once is not nessacary I think.
Owh I now see I forgot the highlights on the hair -_-
I also am not sure about the wrinkle under her boobies

Pretty rough drawing.
I hope I inked the right lines.
On one side it is fun to ink a rough drawing because you have some "freedom".
On the other hand it is hard and it makes me uncertain.
I learned so much last months :)
another great ink, I love your work!
I could be wrong, but I'm guessing that line is her sternum (top of her rib cage). And the outside line of her torso should curve accordingly. See how her torso curves in your previous ink
thanx for likeing it!
i think you are right about that line, i'll do that correction if John thinks it's nessacary.
they look great so far
don't forget the details (Sody's tank top) top of hair
highlights in hair?
and George
Sody's left eye: the left of the eye should have a thicker line (like in the pencil drawing) to indicate eyelashes
oh, and put weight on the bottoms of the nipples
wherever you see me draw a thick line, you do that too...and carry it through to the rest of the poses...
don't forget to put hair on separate layers...
Looks great! Such lively poses!
>>oh, and put weight on the bottoms of the nipples<<
WOW!! I just died laughing, but very true.
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